New UW doesn't really require any particular skills, and it's not that hard to find a group; usually people form a balanced 8-men party so you have a chance to fit in whichever class you are. And there's not much you need to know, you'll find out when you battle in what u need to do. Just follow other member's advices.
And about PvP, if you wanna do it seriously then you need a guild to support you.
To practice a little, do some random arenas to figure out what goes on vs other players; you might wanna try out a standard build b4 u think of oyur own, there's a whole section of these forums dedicated to PvP builds.
If you don't wanna change guild and still do Hero's Ascent, then your best bet is to build a IWAY warrior (which i deeply hate) and find a group that accepts unranked players. Otherwise try to go with other popular builds, such as spike rangers or boon prot or tainted or order necro; no way you can try out your ideas like that, pugs are not meant for that, they use pretty standard builds, you'd need a guild to test out.
Good luck